Stephen Merriman against Stuff

Case Number: 3579

Council Meeting: 2 December 2024

Decision: No Grounds to Proceed

Publication: Stuff

Principle: Accuracy, Fairness and Balance
Headlines and Captions

Ruling Categories:

In October 2024 Stuff began running a new podcast by Paddy Gower titled The F#$%ING NEWS.

Stephen Merriman complained of the profanity in the podcast title. He said it was repeatedly promoted on Stuff and it was unmissable when browsing the news. He believed some people would find it offensive.

He added that the use of profanities contravened Stuff’s own Code of Practice and Ethics which says: “Profanities should not be used in headlines, intros, social posts or video captions, even censored.”

In response Stuff’s editor-in-chief, digital, said the title was based on a famous skit and its provocativeness and playfulness captured the essence of Paddy Gower’s show.

“Stuff is confident the use of the title which we should note is censored, or the abbreviation, TFN, would not cause widespread offence".

“With regards to our editorial code, thank you for flagging. Our editorial code is an evolving document, and I'll review it based on your feedback.”

The Media Council notes that while the headline appears to breach Stuff’s own Code, the Council’s Principles do not bar the use of obscenities. Use of language and the acceptability of swear words is a matter of editorial style – some publications commonly write “f...” while others, notably the Listener, now spells the word out in its publication.

The Media Council received a complaint against the Listener in 2023 (Case No. 3456) on its use of the word “fuck”.

The Listener said this followed a review of its style guide which came to the decision to allow it in reported speech or quotes relevant to a story. This was in step with other publications with similar editorial standards including The Times’ magazines, Harper’s magazine, Guardian and Observer magazines, the Sydney Morning Herald’s Good Weekend and the New Yorker.

In its decision on that complaint the Council said:

“Key Media Council roles are to promote media freedom and to maintain the press in accordance with the highest professional standards. Its main remit is to consider complaints on the basis of a set of ethical considerations.

“The Council’s remit does not extend to matters of editorial style. Editors are ultimately responsible for what appears in their publications and it is over to them to set style guides in accordance with what they consider to be standards acceptable to their readers.  The word “fuck” is now in common parlance and often appears in the mainstream media, as it does in song and cinema. Times change and what may have been outside the realms of editorial discretion 25 years ago, is now firmly within it.”

The Council does not believe Mr Merriman’s complaint warrants further consideration on this matter. No case has been made to show a breach of Principles (1) Accuracy, Fairness and Balance  (6) Headlines and Captions.

Decision:  No grounds to proceed.


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