Case Number: 3049
Council Meeting: JUNE 2021
Decision: No Grounds to Proceed
Publication: Massive
Children and Young People
Photographs and Graphics
Ruling Categories:
Shane Hurley complained about the display of Massive magazine’s May 17 issue in the doorway of a café where it might be seen by children. Massive is the Massey University student magazine.
The front cover of the magazine is a photo of a naked female torso tattooed with the words “Fuck you.” There was also one coverline
“The Sex Issue”. The issue included an editorial on consent, drunkenness, sexual assault and the importance of looking after your
mates; and articles on such topics as libido and anti-depressants, the ups and downs of birth control.
Mr Hurley believed it was inappropriate to have the magazine with this cover on display just in the door of the Tussock Café or anywhere in
the public view. This was an environment visited by university staff with children and other children also came into this area on
occasions. In his view this was R18 material in a public area accessible to under 18 year olds.
The complaint seems to be about the placing of the magazine, which is not something the Media Council can concern itself with.
It is noted the Tussock Café is on the university campus and not on a public street.
As for the magazine cover image, it may be confronting to some and it has a shock value, which the editor probably intended, but it is not
the role of the Media Council to adjudicate on notions of good taste or to determine whether a publication needs to have a censor’s
As has been noted by the Council in previous complaints student magazines as a genre have a history of provocation and pushing the
boundaries of what may be considered decency with content that is challenging, irreverent and offensive. The Council acknowledges the genre
and makes some allowances for it as long as essential principles are maintained.
There are no grounds to proceed.