Case Number: 3040
Council Meeting: MAY 2021
Decision: No Grounds to Proceed
Publication: Taranaki Daily News
Ruling Categories:
Offensive Language
Te Reo and reporting on Te Ao Maori
Murray Calder complained that Mount Taranaki was now referred to in the media as Taranaki Maunga. He said it was ridiculous and offensive to the people of Taranaki.
The new name was adopted following Waitangi Treaty negotiations between the Crown and Taranaki Iwi in 2019. Under a deed of settlement the Crown and Taranaki Iwi agreed to do away with the alternative name of Mount Egmont and for Mount Taranaki to be renamed Taranaki Maunga.
Although the Taranaki settlement has still not been signed or enacted through an Act of Parliament news media are now using the new name in anticipation of its formal adoption in law.
Editorial style including usage of names, honorifics, acronyms, grammar and the incorporation of Maori words - which are now part of the Kiwi vernacular - is a matter for each publication to decide.
There are no grounds for complaint under any Media Council principles.
Finding: Insufficient Grounds to Proceed