Case Number: 3016
Council Meeting: APRIL 2021
Decision: No Grounds to Proceed
Ruling Categories:
Offensive Language
On March 19, 2021 Stuff published an opinion piece by Verity Johnson about the fear women feel when walking on the streets alone, particularly in the dark. This was partly in response to the widely publicised abduction off the street and subsequent murder of Sarah Everard in the UK. Verity Johnson suggested actions men could take to make women feel safer when out walking.
Learron Ashton complained about being offended by the opinion piece which was a “disgusting sexist tirade”.
The complaint was worded in such general terms that it was difficult to relate it to any particular standard. The article was clearly opinion that the writer is entitled to express.
The Media Council has previously pointed out that a person does not have a right not to be offended by someone else’s opinion. The fact that the complainant is offended by the article is not grounds for complaint.
Finding: Insufficient Grounds to Proceed.