Alistair Goodwin against the New Zealand Herald

Case Number: 3585

Council Meeting: 2 December 2024

Decision: No Grounds to Proceed

Publication: New Zealand Herald

Principle: Accuracy, Fairness and Balance
Comment and Fact
Headlines and Captions

Ruling Categories:

Alistair Goodwin complained about a headline on the New Zealand Herald’s online site on November 18 which read: “Apology not accepted as Toitū te Tiriti hīkoi protest hits Auckland.”

The underline read: “Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s apology is allegedly not accepted but (sic) survivors of abuse in care. Auckland Harbour Bridge lanes are to close for Toitū te Tiriti hīkoi protest.”

Mr Goodwin complained that it was misleading. The Herald replied saying it had already been corrected to state: “PM's apology criticised by some abuse survivors and Toitū Te Tiriti hīkoi hits Auckland." 

Mr Goodwin continued with his complaint that the headline was blatantly misleading especially in light of the interest in the hīkoi. He said: “Some would call it manipulation or ‘fake news’. The reply I received was a sweeping under the mat type of response and I feel it attempted to trivialise the matter.”

Mr Goodwin’s initial email was sent at 1.11pm on November 18 and the Herald responded saying it was fixed at 2.31pm the same day.

The Media Council notes the headline contained a mistake. It was also clumsy. The Herald used the word “as” rather than “and” which had the unfortunate effect of tying together two events that were not related to each other. 

The mistake was fixed promptly, and the Council has seen no evidence of manipulation, or “fake news” as alleged in this complaint.

Media Council Principle (12) Corrections says, “willingness to correct errors defuses a complaint.” The Herald made a surprising mistake given its position as Auckland’s leading newspaper.  However, it fixed the mistake promptly, and in the Council’s view of all the circumstances, sufficiently to invoke Principle (12).

Decision:  No grounds to proceed.


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