Case Number: 3047
Council Meeting: 14 June 2021
Decision: No Grounds to Proceed
Publication: New Zealand Herald
Principle: Accuracy, Fairness and Balance
Ruling Categories:
Aaron Gibson complained about an article published on nzherald.co.nz on April 5, 2021 which reported on the organiser of a music festival alleging two security guards were spat on, sworn at and kicked by a man who is accused of assaulting several women.
Mr Gibson said the “accused” in this was never accused of assaulting multiple women. This is 100 per cent fabrication. No charges have been laid for sexual assault. This statement is factually incorrect. “Accused” implies legal action by police, not by organisers of the show.
The complaint fails on several grounds. The article made no mention of sexual assault and Mr Gibson is under the misapprehension that only police can accuse somebody of doing something illegal. Any person can accuse another person of a crime. Legal action – the laying of charges - does not automatically follow an accusation.
There is no information to suggest that the comments made by the festival organiser as reported by the Herald were inaccurate, unfair or unbalanced or in breach of the Media Council principle relating to comment and fact.
This was a straight forward report.
There are insufficient grounds for this complaint to proceed.